Happy New Year
Well, 2010 is almost over and 2011 about to begin. Call me a hopeless optimist but I like the sense of renewal at new year, out with the old and in with the new, looking forward after taking a glance at the year past, and all that. We're going to head up to the street party on Prince's Street but we won't stay for the duration. I'll be happy to be back home long before the bells and put the feet up with with some Black Bun and a large dram. Looking forward to meeting some Labour leaning Hibs pals tomorrow before the big match at Tynecastle, always some good banter. Win, lose or draw, 2011 is sure to be packed with challenges ; budget cuts, public services under pressure, unemployment probably on the increase and the Scottish Parliament election campaign to look forward to. Whatever you're planning to do tonight or tomorrow I wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.
No comments yet... well let your Sassenach friend be the first to wish you well for the New Year. News Travels fast (even to Yorkshire) and we were delighted to hear that you had been elected to stand for election to the Scottish Parliament in May. We socialists must stick together and during these difficult times of public sector cuts, it is good no know that you are carrying the fight to the government of the day, such as it is. Good on you Ricky and all the best to you, your family and all your constituents.
Martin from Leeds
Martin, many thanks, good to hear from you, all the best to the family, I'll text you. Cheers
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