Saturday 7 July 2012

Open All Hours ?

Well, not "all hours" perhaps, but still a good excuse to use one of my favourite photos. The Co-op shop and petrol station on Lanark Road West are applying to extend their opening hours to 0500 - midnight, 7 days a week, a significant increase on current arrangements. No big deal, you might think and business is business after all. However, in this case a condition of the original planning permission was that opening hours would be restricted. To change that the planning permission condition needs to be varied. Hence, when neighbours were formally notified of the proposal the letter informed them that the Co-op were seeking to build a fence and "vary condition 6" of their planning permission. No explanation of what condition 6 refers to nor where it can be found. And even then you need to know your way around the Council's Planning Portal to find these things. Most of the Neighbours are elderly and don't have ready access to the internet. Not surprisingly no objections were submitted and the deadline is now passed. One could argue that the information provided could have been a tad more informative ? I've raised this with Planning and they've agreed to have a look. I should add that the Neighbour Notification process is carried out by the Council not the applicant so no blame is attached to the Co-op for this. It's a Council a matter and one which I'm sure we can put right.

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