Sunday, 16 December 2012

Santa's Little Helper

Crap photo, but you get the idea...
Had a great time last night helping the Currie and Balerno Round Table on one of their famous Santa Runs. Santa and Rudolph manned the brightly lit and very noisy (all the Christmas classics, Cliff, Slade, the Pogues et al) Santa Buggy with myself and about another 6 or 7 elfs knocking doors, collecting money and making sure any children that wanted to meet Santa got their chance. He seemed to go down well with children of all ages actually with an excitement and expectation that the Round Table and Santa would perform their customary pre Christmas rounds. We covered all the Riccartons, Bryces, Weavers Knowe and then had time head up to Kirkbrae and Blinkbonny. A three hour stint in all and then back to the recently refurbished Riccarton Arms for a well earned pint and count the night's proceeds. £727.75 was the grand total and testament to the generosity of the good folks of Currie. The money raised from this run and the other 11 in other parts of the community goes to local charities and good causes throughout the rest of the year so a very worthwhile exercise all round.

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