Friday 9 March 2012

Public Entertainment Licences

As expected, the impending changes to PELs has created a lot of email traffic and media debate. Still not clear what the intention of the changes actually are but the Council is obliged to comply with legislation handed on by the Scottish Government. This seems to have led to the ridiculous situation where a Scottish Council was going to licence (with a charge) for a children's Easter egg hunt !!

This mornings Regulatory Committee passed the following motion -

" That the Committee :-

1.   Adopt option a) as set out in paragraphs 2.6 to 2.8 of the report with the proviso that the minimum fee detailed in paragraph 2.7 is to be nil.

2.    Determine subject to statutory consultation to vary the City of Edinburgh Public Entertainment Resolution 1994 to exclude from the scope of the Resolution, the following places where members of the public are admitted or may use any facilities for the purposes of entertainment or recreation without payment of money or moneys’ worth and the capacity does not exceed 200 persons:-
Premises used for functions held by charitable, religious, youth, sporting, community, political or similar organisations;
Premises used for exhibitions of art work;
Premises in which live music is being provided incidentally to the main purpose or use of the premises where that main purpose or use is not as a place of public entertainment; and,
Premises used for oral recitals including poetry reading and story telling.

3.   Direct that the statutory procedure for making a variation to the City of Edinburgh Public Entertainment Resolution 1994 be commenced immediately with a view to the Committee considering any representations made about the proposed variation at its meeting on  20 April 2012.

4.   Note that in the interim period the Council will prioritise licensing of those free to enter events which are large scale.

5.   Discharge the outstanding remit relating to the impact of changes to legislation governing public entertainment licensing following the meeting on 27 January 2012 "

Which, if I've understood it properly, means we will conduct a consultation exercise on the proposals above (other categories may emerge through the consultation) in order to avoid the effects of the legislation that is about to be enacted. Yes.... I think I've got that right. Confused ??? You will be. The bureaucratic maze could be endless.

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